UPCOMING EYCE EVENT: “Acting Together to Overcome Poverty! Young people address social injustice through interreligious cooperation”

2nd – 9th of September 2012

Paris, France

Acting together to overcome poverty
The religious communities have a long history of social work and welfare institutions, running alongside state welfare systems and often substituting them. However, despite of the interreligious work already being done, there is much potential in the cooperation between religious communities in addressing social injustice and poverty. There is a great asset of expertise in various fields, which could gain more strength in collaboration.

With this project EYCE and FEMYSO want to follow-up and build upon the conclusions of the year 2011 – the anniversary year of the European Social Charter and provide a link to the UN Millennium Development Goals. We want to reinforce the implementation of the above mentioned in religious communities and the social work which is being done by them.

This training course will offer participants the following:
– Knowledge about situations regarding poverty and social injustice in Europe
– Overview of concepts, basic facts and mechanisms behind the poverty at various levels
– Analysis of concepts of Human Rights in the light of poverty and social injustice
– Analysis of the role of religious communities in addressing social injustice
– Tools and methods to address poverty and social injustice in one’s own context
– Possibility to contribute to a practical project implemented in Paris
– Possibility to learn from good practice examples on the local level in France
– Opportunity to meet with young people from different countries and religious backgrounds, to share experiences and develop new friendships!

The training course is aimed at young people (age 18-30) from various religious communities, both active youth leaders and young people from socially disadvantaged groups. The participants should be open minded young people, who are willing to listen to and respect the opinions and minds of others. They should also have the potential to address the issues of poverty and social injustice in their local context, as well as implement initiatives triggering a change.

The participation fee for the training course will be 50€ (Euros) including accommodation, meals and programme.

Request more information and application form NOW: applications@www.eyce.org!!!

Application deadline is Sunday, the 5th of AUGUST 2012 midnight!!!
