EYCE training course “Poverty Exposed”!

“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.”
– Helder Camara
DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY THERE IS NOT ENOUGH? The Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe is organising a training course to help young people to be an active part of the society they live in and to challenge one of the heaviest global problems today – poverty!
You are invited to join us from 4th – 11th May 2014 in Sofia, Bulgaria for a week of active and practical training!
The recent financial and socio-economic crisis in Europe has revealed that lack of employment is only the top of the iceberg of very complex underlying socio-economic issues, one of them being poverty. Despite of the focus on developing countries, when speaking of absolute poverty, tackling the theme of poverty would be incomplete without taking into account our nearest neighbours in need. Learning to see those in need, learning to identify patterns that sustain poverty, realising the connections from poverty to other issues, such as health, education and more, and finally – showing solidarity are the key things to be able to eradicate poverty on the grassroots level in Europe!
As Christians we believe that every single person has been created in image of God, thus with full dignity. Living in poverty means that the dignity is taken away. We must act!
“POVERTY EXPOSED” is designed to help you to do so.
What will you gain by coming to this training course? An encouraging learning environment where you will share and learn; enriching talks from experts; practical workshops that will provide you with tools to break the patterns of poverty and actually help the people in need; a broader and deeper understanding of mechanisms of poverty; the possibility to see the world through the lens of other cultures; and an opportunity to build friendships with people who will support you in your work to improve conditions in your home society and abroad.
If you believe that , then join us for a week-long journey of growth and sharing!
The participation fee for the seminar will be 50€ (Euros) including accommodation, meals and programme.
The application deadline is 1st of April 2014 midnight CET!!
Please return the filled application form to applications@eyce.org or by fax +32 2 510 61 72
Further practical information can be found in the documents below or with your National Correspondent!
DRAFT TIME TABLE_Poverty Exposed
