Called to freedom, justice and peace! Galatians 5:13

United we work!

work camp picToday we want to offer you another great opportunity to participate in ecumenical project and experience ecumenical spirit in a very practical setting – through the work camps offered by Ecumenical Youth Services!
Ecumenical Youth Services is an international volunteer program in Germany. EYS was founded in the 1950s in the GDR and is now administered by the Office for Evangelical Children and Youth Work in Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz.
The work camps organised by EYS provide an opportunity for young people (age 18 to 26 – in exceptional cases from 16 years) from all over Europe to meet and work together in an international context on meaningful, socially relevant projects.
The slogan of EYS is “United we work!” and it means:

  • to volunteer in meaningful projects
  • to participate in an ecumenical, international group and to gain independence and personal responsibility
  • to life together in an atmosphere of equality between young men and women.
  • to participate in a dialog with young people from different countries and cultures, and to increase understanding and respect for one other
  • to participate in decision-making processes and experience solidarity
  • to meet friends to talk about God and life in general

For more information and application visit the EYS website!