Called to freedom, justice and peace!

Galatians 5:13

Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe Europe is a strong network of young Christians promoting the unity of Christianity throughout all of Europe. We have member organisations in 24 countries.

Who we are

EYCE is a strong network of young Christians from all over Europe who seek unity between Christians and are engaged in the work for justice, peace, care and respect for creation. We drive for diversity and youth participation not only in our youth organisation but also in the local communities.

As a Christian youth organisation, EYCE strives to represent young people in Europe as much as possible. EYCE works on an entirely ecumenical basis, and therefore considers itself to be part of the wider ecumenical movement. It wants to encourage Churches and Christian youth movements in Europe to strive towards the unity of all Christians.

Upcoming events

We aim to provide bot in person and online events for young Christians all over Europe. Join our monthly Bible Studies online, held always on the second Monday of the month at 18 CET.

Currently we are planning an in-person international activity for the year 2025. The topic of the activity is “Being broke isn’t woke: Tackling youth poverty”. The call for international planning team will be published by the end of 2024.

  • Call for Co-Option

    Call for Co-Option

    The Executive Committee is issuing a Call for Co-Option of a Member without Portfolio.

  • Newsletter


    EYCE’s Executive Committee published Newsletter. Find out how CoVid19 is helping on reflection in time of lent.

  • Workcamp


    We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in summer on our next event in person! From July 11th to 25th we would like to organize the workcamp “Cycle up!” in Wünsdorf near Berlin (Germany) with our partner – the Ecumenical Youth Services (EYS). The venue will be the educational hostel there, which needs…

  • Online Worship March 22nd

    Online Worship March 22nd

    Borders are closing and worship services are being suspended all over Europe because of the developing CoVid19 situation. That doesn’t mean that we can’t connect across borders and worship together. Join us for our Web Worship this coming Sunday, at 4.30 pm on zoom. It is a non-traditional, interactive worship service that you can participate…

  • Call for participants: EYCE study session “Of course we can!”

    Call for participants: EYCE study session “Of course we can!”

    The call for participants to EYCE Study session “Of course we can” is now open. All the info HERE.

  • Call for the International Planning Committee!

    EYCE is organising an event with Council of Europe and the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg on social inclusion and gender stereotypes. Do you want to be a part of the Planning Committee? Please apply! Details below: EYCE is preparing the international study session “Of course, we can!” which will take place from 25th to…

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Subscribe to our friendly newsletter and stay informed about our upcoming events and news from EYCE! The newsletter is sent out up to 4 times a year.
